Scarrington Parish Meeting Minutes
This page contains a record of Scarrington Parish Meeting Minutes
7.30pm Tuesday 16th August '22
Minutes of the Parish Meeting held 16th August 2022 at 7.30pm
At the St John of Beverley Church, Scarrington, Nottinghamshire.
Present: Soula Stephanakis (Chair) Megan Howarth (Treasurer) Sarah Freeston (Clerk)
Phee Smith Adam and Denise Welton Julie Millward
Jack Howard Jess Palmer Anne Chambers
Richard Bullock Maisie Ray John Bell
Linda Blackburn Mary Thurston James and Jo Howard
Ian Wright Ann Rowen Rev Tim Chambers
Adrian Rossall
Apologies: Michael Thurston Helena Sue Shipley
Lucy & Justin Furse Gordon Wallace Sarah Rowe
Katey and Rob Cox Julie Paige Jen Williams
Opening remarks
Soula welcomed everyone and explained briefly why the meeting had been called (see item 2 for detail).
Treasurer’s report and approval of accounts
Megan explained that the meeting had been called to approve the accounts. This had not been possible at the April meeting as the transfer of the bank mandate from the previous parish meeting team to the current team had not then taken place. This meant no bank statements were received for a period of 3 months; Megan received the March 2022 bank statement in May, so after the April meeting. Megan explained there is no cause for concern – it is just a result of poor timing.
Megan explained the parish meeting falls within an exemption from audit as its income is below a threshold of £25,000. The deadline for filing the accounts was 1 July 2022 but Megan obtained an extension until 31 August 2022. Below is the summary of the accounts for the year ending 31 March 2022.
Below is the summary of the accounts for the year ending 31 March 2022.
Income £1250 Comprising the precept (£750) and income from the parish field (£500)
Expenditure £199 Parish meeting refreshments and poppy bunting
Total £1051
Balance B/F £6451
Megan explained the previous year was affected by Covid restrictions so expenses were lower than usual. Megan thanked Katey Cox as she had assisted Megan in undertaking an internal audit of the accounts. Megan explained that Soula, as chair, must sign the following documents and this must be minuted:
(a) Certificate of Exemption
(b) Annual Governance Statement
(c) Accounting Statements
Soula signed the Certificate of Exemption, the Annual Governance Statement and the Accounting Statements at 7:40pm. Megan confirmed the Annual Governance Statement and Accounting Statements would be posted on the village noticeboard for 14 days
No questions were raised about the accounts. Soula explained that as a village, we should not be aiming to save money but it should be used for the good of the community. Suggestions were invited as to how to spend the funds and the following ideas were mooted:
(a) James Howard began a discussion about the need to prune the village cherry trees. He referred to 3 well looked after trees on Hawksworth Road as an example of how well they can look. Unfortunately, Rushcliffe Borough Council has in the past refused to pay for any work to the trees and has refused permission to the village to have them pruned. James offered to obtain quotations. Action point
(b) Jack Howard mentioned how funds could be used to replace one of the village signs. Jack offered to obtain quotations.Action point
Soula asked anyone with other ideas on how to spend the money to obtain quotations so that these matters can be discussed and voted on at the November meeting.Action point
Any other business
Several matters were raised.
Cleaning of the church
Anne Chambers introduced herself to those at the meeting that did not know her. Anne has lived in the village for 27 years and in that time has been a dedicated member of the team of people that regularly cleans the church. Anne explained that she and Judith last cleaned the church ahead of this meeting but that it had deeply upset them both. The church was filthy with mouse and bat droppings and thick layers of dust such that it was extremely hard work for them both. She implored the parish meeting to organise a village rota such that the church would be looked after in the years to come. The next clean will be required in the week before Ride and Stride on Sunday 10 September.
Anne announced to the meeting that she intended to move out of Scarrington and would be putting her house up for sale at the end of September. She is sad to leave but feels lonely as she now lives alone. Anne said her phone number is 850278 if anyone wished to call her.
Soula agreed to ask for volunteers and to set up a rota on the village website such that this cleaning would happen regularly and without the burden being on just a small handful of people. Action point
Future of the church
Reverend Tim Chambers introduced himself to the meeting.He apologised for not having attended a meeting before having been the local vicar for 2 years now. He thanked Anne and Judith for their hard work cleaning the church.He reminded the parish meeting that a service is held in the church on the 5th Sunday of the month.
Rev Tim Chambers invited the meeting to discuss the church becoming a community space.He referred to the example of Hawksworth Church as a solution to the problems the church currently poses for the village.The following points were made:
(a) Many volunteers would be needed for this to happen. Soula noted that the key issue was a lack of project management. A request for volunteers to be on a committee would be sent out.
(b) Discussions had taken place in recent years but these had been paused by lockdown.
(c) A feasibility study was essential before embarking on such a project.
(d) Richard Bullock explained he was sole trustee of the Whyman Trust, a trust set up some 250 years ago to benefit the poor of the village. The trust has funds in the region of £4000 which could be used to fund a feasibility study.
(e) Rev Tim Chambers confirmed Southwell Diocese has no objection in principle to the project.
(f) John Bell suggested that a contact of his at Allan Joyce Architects might be able to give advice on the matter.
(g) Jo Howard was volunteered by Richard Bullock as an excellent candidate for project management. Jo explained her work commitments were too intense currently for her to be involved in the project.
(h) A framework to assist any team in taking the project forward would be helpful. Apparently the transformation of Hawksworth Church happened under a different regime so any advice from their team might not be helpful.
Defibrillator Training
The training can take place in the church. Jo Howard agreed to contact BHF for a date so that this can be circulated to the village. Soula can collate names of those interested. Action point
Closing remarks
Soula gave thanks to all those involved in organising the jubilee party. In particular, she thanked Mary and Mike Thurston for the use of their driveway when the date of the party had to be changed. Rev Tim Chambers wished to thank all those who have worked hard maintaining the churchyard in recent months. Jo Howard said the village was especially grateful to Lucy and Justin Furse and that this ought to be expressly recorded in the minutes.
The Scarrington Parish Meeting closed at 8.15pm.
Sarah Freeston Clerk to the Meeting 6th September 2022
7.30pm Thursday 28th April '22
Minutes of the Parish Meeting held 28th April 2022 at 7.30pm
At the St John of Beverley Church, Scarrington, Nottinghamshire.
Present: Soula Stephanakis (Chair) Megan Howarth (Treasurer) Sarah Freeston (Clerk)
Robert Stanley Maisie Ray Barrie and Jacquie Petchell
James and Jo Howard Jack Howard Jess Palmer
Julie Millward Jacqueline Day Helen and Phil Morris
John Bell Sue Shipley Lucy & Justin Furse
Ann Rowen Richard Bullock Phee Smith
Kate and Paul Dowie Maddy Gale Adam Williams
Katey & RobCox*
*List of those present compiled after the meeting by email request. Could be inaccurate.
Approval of the minutes of the meeting on 24th November 2021
The minutes of the last meeting were approved.
Introduction of the new committee members
Soula, Sarah and Megan, the new parish meeting committee members, introduced themselves.
Treasurer’s report and approval of accounts
Megan reported that only draft figures were available as the bank mandate was still in the process of being transferred. Income was £1,250.00 (precept and rent) and expenditure was only £439.40 so there are funds available. Full accounts will be available at the next meeting. There were no questions raised about the accounts.
Action points
Megan to prepare full accounts and complete transfer of bank transfer.
Platinum Jubilee celebrations and “The Queen’s Green Canopy”
Soula reported that she had received confirmation from the council that, subject to providing certain information, Main Street can be closed for a street party from 11am until midnight on 5 June 2022. It was agreed that this event will be combined with a BHF fundraising afternoon tea event. It was noted that a team will be required to make the necessary arrangements and Soula said she would make a request for volunteers by email to the village. It was noted that trees acquired through the Queen’s Green Canopy initiative must be planted in public spaces and there was nowhere in the village that would accommodate any.
Action points
Soula to email village to ask for volunteers to organise the event.
Coffee Van
Sarah explained that she had been approached by the owner of a coffee van who had offered to come to the village on a weekly basis. The meeting was in favour of such an initiative.It was agreed that Sarah would make enquiries about when the van could come and where it could park.
Action points
Sarah to make enquiries about coffee van logistics.
Registration of defibrillator
Megan reported that she had recently checked the battery and the defibrillator was in good working order.The meeting was told that the code for the defibrillator is C159X.Soula agreed to find out how to arrange a demonstration of how the defibrillator works as many at the meeting were unsure how to use it. Sarah agreed to circulate a note about how it works after this demonstration..Barrie explained that he had been in contact with the Heartbeat Trust who had informed him that the village defibrillator should not be registered with the national defibrillator network or any other organisation save for EMAS as this would cause confusion.**
**Minutes amended subsequently following clarification from Barrie Petchell as to what was said. It was hard to make out at the time as several people were talking over each other.
Action points
Soula to arrange a demonstration of the defibrillator.
Sarah to circulate a note following the demonstration.
Minutes amended subsequently following clarification from Barrie Petchell as to what was said. It was hard to make out at the time as several people were talking over each other
New street lighting
Many village residents reported that they were dissatisfiedwith the new LED street lights which they are finding to be too bright.Soula agreed to contact the council to find out what options were available to the village to deal with this issue.These options would include turning certain lights off, turning the lights off between certain times and dimming the lights.Once the options were known, Sarah agreed to prepare a voting slip to distribute to everyone in the village to try and find a consensus.
Action points
Soula to contact the council to find out the options.
Sarah to prepare and circulate voting slips.
Village clean & tidy
The village clean & tidy was extremely successful and many people expressed satisfaction with how the village now looks.Thanks were in particular given to James Howard, Lucy Furse and Ewan Clothier for cutting the grass in the churchyard.Soula suggested that another village clean & tidy should take place in a few weeks and should include tidying up the bus stop.It was mooted that this could take place at the same time as decorating the village.There was discussion about cutting the grass in the churchyard on a regular basis.
Soula agreed to email the village to ask who would be willing to volunteer to mow, a job which Justin Furse said takes 3-4 hours.Megan agreed to speak to Ewan to ask about buying a mower.
Action points
Soula to email the village to ask for volunteers.
Megan to speak to Ewan about getting a mower.
Any Other Business
No other matters were raised.
The Scarrington Parish Meeting closed at 8.15pm.
Sarah Freeston Clerk to the Meeting 13 May 2022